To sleep with your close friend is it a nice action?

No one would raise an eyebrow if you choose to keep friends of the opposite sex. Definitely, there is nothing wrong with that.

And some people actually believe that such friendships are the best types you would find anywhere. The idea is that people are mature enough to make friends in ways they deem fit without being watched and bothered about how they want to go about their lives and things they find appealing.

So it’s cool to have friends of the opposite sex. That’s settled.

One of the things that hardly get spoken about, however, is how to manage sexual connections and tension between you and someone of the opposite sex who is our friend. Because friends get sexually attracted to each other, too.

Now when you find yourself in that situation where you and a friend begin to feel sexually drawn to each other, or perhaps, the attraction flows only from one person to the other, what do you do in such situation?

The first thing would be to consider the friendship and whether you are willing to lose it or not. This is because these things could swing in any direction. When you are sure you are cool with all the possibilities, then it is also important to see how your friend feels about such arrangement.

Don’t assume that they would be cool with taking the friendship beyond friendship to something more physical. You don’t have to be 100% sure though. If you can be fairly certain that there is a chance that this could work, then give it a shot.

Bear in mind, however, that if they are not interested, it could be the end of the relationship as he or she may never get back to being friends with you because you have compromised everything by trying to get into their panties.

But here’s the thing: just as there is a chance that things may go sideways, there is also the chance that they would be into it too. So it all boils down to how much you want it.

But Who knows???,,, That could be the beginning of great things – relationships and marriages have been kickstarted that way.


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