You Proud yourself your in Marrige while you don't Partcipate Marriage act with your husband??
MARRIAGE action plays a significant percentage in completing the Word Marriage, and marriage does not end in the wearing of two rings, and only the wedding,, the marriage is completed by the MARRIAGE act that many women nowadays have been abusing their husbands, and giving them calculations, when they are happy they are the one who gives it to her, or if she has a problem flan bas she gives it to her husband,, but when the husband needs her, he is not a teaser, he is driven by emotion, because is this a PROJECT ??? I am very surprised the women you give your husbands love for, they say to christian we have been told WOMAN HAS A LOT OF BODY BUT NOT ONE, AND A HUSBAND AGAINST HIS BIRTHDAY BEFORE YOU AGE. Now, my brother, what is your plan for your husband ?,, you refuse to think where he is going to end his body, when you are his and you are there for him / her You leave your husband craving craving so you are out, every woman who curls up before you your husb...